Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sound of snow

When I was growing up on the farm I could hear the snow falling from the trees.  Everything around me was white and peaceful.  It's been snowing for an hour now.  I went outside to feel the snow hit my face, but there wasn't peace.  All around I hear snow blowers and plows chewing and pushing away.  Things have changed and I miss being home.  I miss the quiet.  I used to love snow when I was a kid.  Snow meant sledding and snowmen and digging tunnels.  Now it means shoveling and being late for work.  It means potholes and accidents on the roads.  I miss going outside with my family and to not worry about anything except staying warm.  I remember one time I lay down on the snow face down for a few minutes and my mom came running out.  She was worried I passed out but I was just enjoying myself face down with nature.

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