Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The only way a republican gets the white house is with a Mitt Romney assassination

I'm going there because I think Mitt Romney isn't electable.  His own party despises him.  They almost elected Santorum instead!  Christian voters don't like him because of his Mormon faith.  I won't vote for him because I think he's a phony.  I'm also a democrat so I'm used to voting for phonies.  The center won't vote for him because the center is ok with Obama.  Let me just say this....no one is going to be voting for Mitt Romney.  If the republicans want to reclaim the white house they'll have to put two in his chest.  If the republican nominee gets killed before the election it would excite the voters and whoever they nominate as the backup will win.  I'm predicting something exciting this election year with a Romney assassination and a energized republican candidate who will sweep in and steal the election.  If you're name is Ron Paul and you're reading this you should just stay seated.  They could wipe out all republican nominees and you still wouldn't win the primary nomination.  

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