I feel old turning on the radio but my cd player is broke. I heard that the songs on the radio are slightly sped up so they can sell more commercials. That sums up my feelings on the modern day music. The money is the driving force. justin bieber was created by the music industry. I refuse to capitalize its name. They gave it a stage, a fancy haircut, some screaming fans, and a record deal and called it music.
What ever happened to bands like White Zombie? The 90s were full of them. I miss the anger and speed. They sounded genuine. Maybe it wasn't an act and they really were messed up. Alice and Chains, Nirvana, Snot Sublime :( all dead You know who needs to pick up the ball? NiN, Smashing Pumpkins, Manson, and Korn I haven't heard anything creative from that pack for a long time. I blame the makers of today's heroin! What are they taking out of heroin that made 90s rock awesome? Tweak your formula back assholes!
My wife likes pop music. Some songs have a catchy beat. Those are what I like to call day ruin'rs. Even though the song sucks it can get stuck you head all day and people might catch you singing a line or two and call you a faggot at work.
There is a newer genre of music called indie rock. It got it's name from independence. If I listen to any new music it's going to be indie rock. These people don't care about money and most of the time they don't care about their fans either. That's what I like about them. They don't give a shit except creating something unique in their mind. It's not about money or the fans or anything but their own crappy life. They tell a story with their music and it's honest. It's something real and I don't feel like I'm watching a commercial when I listen to it. They aren't trying to sell me anything which is ironic because I'll buy the cd if I like the mood of it.
Today's music isn't made by artists. The people in charge are the producers and music labels and they make the music. They look for someone they can market and they sell. It's the business making art instead of the art making business.
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