Saturday, October 6, 2012

Modern Day Debating - Mitt Romney

The first few minutes of the debate told the whole story.  There was an overconfident Barack Obama on one side.  His campaign just got through beating the crap out of Romney.  When I say they beat the crap out of him I mean they threw a few jabs and let Romney beat the crap out of himself.  I'm part of Mitt's 47% and he can keep apologizing, but I'm not letting it go.  So in one corner there's an overconfident and obviously tired president and in the other is a raging sociopath who will do or say anything to win.  I feel for the president.  It would be like me fighting someone on meth.  I watched a police training video where they had a meth-head cornered and they used a stun gun on him.  He just fought through the pain.  They had to bring in another cop who used a second stun gun on his neck before he dropped and passed out in a puddle of his own urine.  The point I'm trying to make is that Mitt Romney is like a drug addict.  His drug is control of the American people, Obama is the cop and reality is the shock.    They should have let Biden come in with a second taser.

When I was watching the debate I noticed Obama was looking down most of the time Mitt was talking.  I think he was creeped out.  Willarm Mitt Romney was just staring at him with that fake smile.  It's natural to look away from creeps.   This guy at work likes to talk at break and he is a freak.  I wouldn't be surprised if he had atleast 5 skulls in his basement.  When he talks to me I look down and try not to make eye contact.   Willard should tattoo his face.  I know to look away from someone with a tattooed face.

Willard is also a shape shifter.  Have you ever seen that thing on X-Men?  We'll never know which mitt will show up.  Maybe it's rich mitt who looks down on 47% of the country.  Maybe it's common man mitt who cares about the 47%.  The willard I know and hate is pro life.  The willard 5 years ago was for abortion.  He's a shape shifter and it's hard to punch one of those things.  

All Obama had to do was go up there and say Bin Laden over and over again.  How hard is that?  Moderator: what would you do to fix the economy in your second term?  Mr. President:  bin laden  Moderator: what is your favorite color?  Mr. President: red like the hole through bin laden's face  Moderator: what about schools? Mr. President: we'll be able to fund them....bin laden

I know the right wing media will tear me up for this, but I consider it a tie.  Obama was over confident, tired, and his current job has to be stressful.  


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