A cult preys on the weak and their stupidity. If I had a cult it would be an elitist cult filled with only the strongest humans. Why would I need a cult of stupid people? I'd make them try out to be in my organization. I think it would be a lot easier to break a smart person than to break a dumb person. These so called smart people show up to work every day and take orders from a boss who is more than likely a lot dumber than they are. The dumb workers miss too many days and get fired. The smart rarely speak their minds because they don't want to lose their job. I doubt I could trick them with religion but maybe I could with stock options in "the company". I'd echo the notion that in a few years the company's stock would be worth millions and soon everyone would be rich. To make them more obedient I'd force them to work long shifts with nothing to eat but vending machine food. Sleep deprivation and starvation are key ingredients for this to work. Next I'd make them feel like they're part of a family. The CEO would be like their father and my secretary would be like their mother. If they left there would be a chance they'd die. Outside of the organization there isn't any health insurance and if they got sick they couldn't afford the hospital bills. The only thing left would be "the message". The cult members would need reassurance that the collective whole is in control and is an all powerful force. Any opposition to the collective reasoning would lead to write ups and possible suspension. I would send webcast messages via email, hand out company tshirts, and maybe even print a book all with the message that we are here to stay.
Replace the idea of religion with money and most of the working class is part of what I consider a cult. We are all free to leave but the fear of losing health insurance keeps us there. I could find a new job but I'd just be trading one cult for another. We're under the control of capitalism and greed.
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