Wednesday, December 14, 2011

parents who named a baby "Mitt"

Four little letters that make the difference between normal and crazy.  It's not even the letters I guess.  It's the order of the letters.  Tim sounds normal and Mitt sounds insane.  His dyslexic parents created an ambition craved monster.  I see it in his eyes when he's giving his speech.  I hear it in his voice.  I see it in his soul.  It's saying "hug me mother and tell me I'm doing a good job".  He isn't trying to win the majority of votes in the country.  He isn't even trying to get all the votes for the republican primary.  He's after two votes, his mother and father.  If that were to happen his life would become meaningful and rich.  After gaining his parent's approval his success and personal fortune would be more than just a checklist of things to do in order to be president of the United States

I'm not a psychologist, but I've had two quarters of sociology at a community college.  It doesn't take a genius to know that something is wrong with Mitt.  I do respect him and all that he's accomplished.  That said, I think he's a emotionless monster.  He would probably be the greatest president in history and would catapult this country into a new golden era.  He is the right person for the job because the job he wants no sane person would strive for.  In times of uncertainty we should embrace crazy.  Crazy breaks through barriers and challenges traditional thought.  Crazy is Apple making a fortune on a MP3 player.  Crazy got Neil Armstrong on the moon.  Crazy named a baby "Mitt".  I hope crazy can vote for Mitt so this country can get back on track.

I am going to vote for Mitt Romney, because I don't want to ruin his life.  His parents purposely named him Mitt. He should have been named Tim and he would have a normal boring life but instead he's Mitt and it's his destiny.

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