I was stopped at a red light. I looked to my right and noticed a cop on a motorcycle. I then buckled my seatbelt because it's the law. I wouldn't want to be unsafe. The light was about to turn green and the cop flipped on his lights and raced through the red light. It was a busy 3 lane highway! I thought to myself ...damn, that takes guts. He is on a motorcycle! Other people driving at his right and left are in cars. Then I thought he must be going after a bank robber or something. I mean who does that on a motorcycle over a turning signal? Well, turns out that guy did. He must of wanted to die that morning.
So, the light turned green and I moved in a forward direction towards the officer and the "offender". He was trying to pull over the car, but they weren't moving over. They slowed down. There just wasn't anywhere to pull over. It was a road with a curb. If the "offender" stopped they would block traffic. They progressed forward for maybe half a block and the cop got mad. He drove up beside the car and pointed to the side of the road. The car stopped and pulled to the side. Now I'm pissed off. The right side of the road is blocked and this cop parked his motorcycle right in the middle of the two lanes to run over to the car and get the woman out of the car.
Holy crap. All of this over a turn signal. When I drove by I saw a pissed off cop and a crying asian woman. Was he just having a bad day? I wouldn't stop in a lane either. I would have drove to a side street.
So, she didn't use her signal. He ran through a red light. He was impatient with her pulling over. He parked in the middle of the road. What an asshole. They must put the dumb cops on motorcycles and real cops in a car. If I had automatic windows I would have yelled "move your bike asshole", but they were manual and I couldn't get the window down fast enough and he didn't hear me yelling. But seriously, what an asshole.