Thursday, May 31, 2012


gathering and focusing light
a mirror now falls from the sky
a million particles of light scattered and divided
taken the place now the weed
once the flower stood beautiful and alive
now covered by the dirt it which it once grew
the flower's only frames
discarded and forgotten
what once has witnessed the birth of light
and the other to which a frame has been known
have now become light
gone but not vanished

This is a nerdy way of saying that we all leave our mark even a little flower's existence got captured by Hubble and the RF got beamed into space. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mental terrorism

I'm going to stand on that wound until you cry for mercy and then I'll get real creative with your pain.  What part of you thought it was a good idea to mess with me?  Did you really think that chicken shit trap would work on me?

For once I'm actually on the right side of things.  I've been blamed for something that I didn't do.  Even when it's my fault the person blaming me gets beat up a little.  That's what I do and I'm good at it.   I'm really going to mess this guy up.   It's my boss and he's already mad at me for something else earlier in the week.   He should calm down.  It could help him through this.  I'll use anger against you.

I've made him explain his entire thought process on why he is blaming me.  At this point he already knows his mistake.  I see it in his eyes, but I'm gonna make him say it.  At last he admits it..."I was looking at the wrong spreadsheet"  Man, I need a smoke

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why I'll never vote republican again

I'm not really a democrat.  I'll just be on the other side of the republicans.  Remember George Bush?  What an idiot.  I was ashamed to have him as our president.  It was so dangerous to have that moron control so much.  I've never been so in line with a political party.  I remember watching fox news just to get mad and then turning the channel to msnbc and letting Keith Obermann cheer me up.  He really stuck it to O'Reilly, Rush, and the likes of them. There were so many lies.  I turn on the news now and it's boring.  Sometimes I miss getting pissed off at fox news.

Many horrible events happened under Bush's watch.  Two wars, 911, torture, wire tapping, Katrina, and the housing crisis. Some things are out of control of the president.  The president can't prevent a hurricane.  I can't help but wonder if someone smart and hard working was president at that time if things could have been better.  After I come to the conclusion that of course things could have been better I start thinking why they weren't.  We as people always want things to be better and believe they can be. I then realize that one man stood in the way of things being better and I start wondering why he himself can't see that.  If I do a bad job at my work I'll be the first to know it because I can see what a horrible job I'm doing.  The finished product is junk.  Bush was such a horrible president he didn't understand what his finished product was supposed to look like.  He couldn't tell if he was doing a bad job because he didn't know what he was making.  It's not as simple as making a widget in a factory and that's why he has a staff of all those people to feed him all that data and let him know if his country is doing ok.  He probably didn't listen to them because there was a shiny object in the room getting all of his attention.

There were so many lives at stake.  He shouldn't have ran for president.  A competent person could have done a little self assessment and then realized that most of the necessary tools for president of the United States are missing.  The president I envision would have patience, modesty, intelligence, compassion, and a great sense of humor.  I believe George Bush had compassion.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The only way a republican gets the white house is with a Mitt Romney assassination

I'm going there because I think Mitt Romney isn't electable.  His own party despises him.  They almost elected Santorum instead!  Christian voters don't like him because of his Mormon faith.  I won't vote for him because I think he's a phony.  I'm also a democrat so I'm used to voting for phonies.  The center won't vote for him because the center is ok with Obama.  Let me just say one is going to be voting for Mitt Romney.  If the republicans want to reclaim the white house they'll have to put two in his chest.  If the republican nominee gets killed before the election it would excite the voters and whoever they nominate as the backup will win.  I'm predicting something exciting this election year with a Romney assassination and a energized republican candidate who will sweep in and steal the election.  If you're name is Ron Paul and you're reading this you should just stay seated.  They could wipe out all republican nominees and you still wouldn't win the primary nomination.